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Moving Out as a Twenty-Something: The Pros and Cons

Writer's picture: Darian AlexisDarian Alexis

I feel like I haven't written in forever, and maybe because that is partially true. However, my new(ish) job as a content developer fills my itch for writing, just a bit. Part of me still does crave the more casual blog writing that I do here on my website, and that's why I'm back! So if you are interested in my thoughts and opinions on what it's like moving out of your parent's house as a twenty-something... KEEP READING! If not, catch ya in the next article.

The Cons

While there are many pros to having your own living space, I am going to start with the cons.

For one, who knew cooking and cleaning could be so exhausting! I would like to deem my mother and most other mothers superwoman. Working all day and then having to cook dinner after is one of my least favorite things about moving out of my parent's house. If I don't like cooking for 1-2 people, how my mother did it for 6 is beyond me. Luckily, my boyfriend is willing to split cooking with me which I am very appreciative of. Here is a mini shout-out to all men that help with cooking. Single people that cook and clean on their own deserve a shout-out too, adulting is hard. On the flip side, I love cleaning. It is so stress-relieving and makes me feel so much better when my apartment is nice and tidy, but going from spending my weekends with my girlies to now spending my weekends just cleaning was a bit of an adjustment. Mom, if you are reading this, I am sorry I didn't help you around the house more, you truly did deserve better.

MONEY. Living at home was truly as my dad used to say "living the dream". I didn't pay rent or spend money on groceries. Now, my bank account is crying simply because I went to Aldi's for my weekly grocery run. Seriously, there is no shame living with your parents because you save SO MUCH $$moolah$$. Money that used to be used at Target, is still being used at Target, but now it is being spent on toiletries instead of on clothes. *cries internally.* Everyone loves the idea of getting to decorate their apartment, but when you first move out as a twenty-something you don't really think about how much money it costs to actually furnish and decorate your apartment. For example, did you know a good bed would cost you a couple hundred dollars, or that wall art was so pricey? Even while balling on a budget, getting started in a new apartment cost a pretty penny for someone that hasn't had a full-time job or a salary for a couple years.

Adios Amigas. Saying goodbye to your family and friends is so bittersweet when moving out of state, or even into a new town for that matter. It is so difficult to make friends as an adult especially during a pandemic. Being alone more definitely took adjusting and now I see it as a pro, but in the beginning, I would've absolutely put all the goodbyes and being alone on my con list. From time to time I still tear up about missing my parents and I have been gone for 6 months now. But, enough of the sadness.

The Pros

Let's move on to the pros because the cons listed were more than enough negativity for one article. And after all, moving out is a super exciting step in a twenty-somethings life.

DECORATING! Yes, it cost a lot, but decorating your space is AMAZING. You finally get to decorate things just how you want them. Everything you love can be on display because it is yours. You can buy a funky, minimalistic, or a green couch, the choice is up to you and only you! Decorate your little heart out and make the space your own. I found adding stuff to my walls really made my space feel more like home. I thought I wanted to be a minimalist, but nah, that stuff is cute on Pinterest but not in my space. But hey, if that's for you, that's great because as I have mentioned when you move out, you can decorate to your heart's content.

Independence and freedom. When you move out, you can do what you want when you want to. Whether you want to dance around in your underwear or eat ice cream for dinner, you have the ability to without getting judged. I've never eaten ice cream for dinner but once I did have a cookie for breakfast. You also don't have to take into consideration what your family has going on so you don't have to base your schedule around other people. Lastly, although it may stink having to pay for everything yourself, it is rewarding to be financially independent. Which leads me to my last pro.


There is a plethora of growth that occurs when you move out because you get to become your own person without the influence of those around you. You begin to see the world a little differently when you don't have your parents holding your hand every step of the way. You may have had a taste of that when you went away to college if you did. However, when you officially move out, it feels different. You are no longer in a little bubble of safety. You learn how to be responsible with money and time and you start to see why your mom or dad said "we have food at home honey." Growth may look different to everybody and will happen at different speeds for different people, but one thing is sure, moving out of your parents house is sure to force you to grow.

So as I have learned, there are both positives and negatives to moving out. However, it is one heck of an adventure and I wouldn't change it for the world. Thanks for reading XOXO Darian.



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