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My COVID-19 Experience

Writer's picture: Darian AlexisDarian Alexis

Everyone experiences different symptoms when they get infected with Covid-19, and my personal experience was definitely not enjoyable. My Covid symptoms were very similar to any other flu; however, getting sick was not how I imagined it would be.

Day 1: The first symptom I developed was a fever. I woke up at 3 a.m. with chills; I was shaking and sweating profusely. I immediately went online, scheduled a Covid test for the next day, and called off work. It's a good thing I called off work because I had an excruciating migraine that lasted the entire day. It was painful to look at my phone screen for two minutes, so I knew I wouldn't make it through eight hours of customer meetings. I spent the entire day sleeping and to no surprise, my Covid test results came back positive.

Day 2: Day two was just as bad as day one, but I knew I had to push through because I had a job interview. I woke up at 7:30 a.m. and went to work. I had a throbbing migraine throughout the day and took as many breaks from my computer screen as I could. Ibuprofen helped bring my fever down, but it didn't quite heal the insufferable migraine. Day two was also the first day I developed aches and pains. The pains were excruciating, similar to the soreness after a day of hard lifting at the gym, only times 100.

Day 3: My fever finally broke, but I was completely exhausted on day three. I worked a half-day and slept the entire rest of the day and through the night.

Day 4: All my symptoms seemed to be healed on day four. I was still quarantined in my room so I wouldn't infect my family, but I spent the day being very productive. I think I overdid it though because day five was no walk in the park.

Day 5: Day five was when breathing got difficult and the fever, aches, and headache all came back at once. I am just grateful that it was a weekend and I could sleep off the discomfort. Doing some yoga helped relieve some of the pains and aches.

Day 6-7: My fever never came back again after day five, and the only symptom that was still present was difficulty with breathing. However, the difficult breathing only came with physical activity. I did try to work out in my basement, which ended up with me infecting my parents. Sorry, mom and dad. Also, the workout only lasted ten minutes because I had a hard time breathing almost immediately.

Day 8: By day eight, I was symptom-free and the only long-term symptom I have noticed persist is getting tired easily when doing a lot of physical activity, which was not true before catching Covid since I am an avid gym-goer. Overall, my experience was not the best, but it wasn't the worst either. That being said, everyone gets different symptoms, so I doubt people had the same experience I did. I am happy I never lost my smell or taste. I like food too much!

When I felt very ill, I reflected a lot on my life and how I would feel if I died right then and there. Would I be happy with the way I lived my life? The answer was no, so I immediately made changes. Life is much too short not to do what makes you happy.


I wrote this article over a month ago and never posted it so I thought I would add a little update before it gets published. First off, I ended up getting the job I interviewed for when sick! Yay! I am now living in a new state and am trying my best to make the most out of every day. Also, I no longer have lingering symptoms from my Covid experience. If you got Covid, what was your experience like?

Thanks for reading and I wish you a healthy and happy 2021, XO Darian.



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